
Do not tell a story about your project. Tell a story through your project.
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Transparency builds trust. explorer.land, by OpenForests, is a map-based platform to demonstrate the impact of your forest project. Connect with donors, investors, and product buyers by combining exciting storytelling and data on an interactive map.

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The Goal

Technological innovation and reliability make this possible. explorer.land is technology at the service of people and nature. Forest conservation, restoration, and rewilding projects have a tool to manage their data, communicate their impact openly, immerse stakeholders in the place of the project, and build networks of supporters. Investors and businesses who want to support regenerative projects and forest stewards have a way to find them and truly connect with them. They too can then share their own impact stories through the platform and encourage others to do the same. The community will grow.

The Experience

The Role

The Outcome

Today, explorer.land has become a platform and home for regenerative forest and conservation projects with the goal to democratize access to mapping, monitoring, reporting, and storytelling tools. For them, we have built a place to make their work and inspiring impact visible to the right partners such as investors, sustainable forest product purchasers, and volunteers. Today, more than 250 projects have already joined explorer.land.

Share Your Story

If you are interested in sharing the story of why your business is part of a better change, contact us today for a free quote.

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