Think Tank Initiative
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The Think Tank Initiative was a multi-donor program dedicated to strengthening the capacity of independent policy research institutions in the developing world. The program was designed for 20 developing countries over 10 years through a mix of core funding and support for capacity development.
Link to WebsiteThe Goal
ReWild was asked to document the impact that the program has had on 16 African Think Tanks across 8 countries in both West and East Africa. The brief was to create a series of films that uncover the stories Think Tanks across Africa, who for over a decade have been garnering invaluable perspectives across a broad range of subjects, with the purpose of positively influencing both policymakers and the private sector. More specifically we were briefed to: demonstrate how the Think Tank Initiative is making a difference to Think Tanks; raise the visibility and voices of the Think Tanks amongst funders and policymakers; convince national policymakers to support and use the evidence of African Think Tanks to develop policy; shift the funding practices of large international and domestic donors in order to strengthen think tanks to engage in the evidence to the policy process.
The Experience
Think Tanks produce rigorous, evidence-based research that should be implemented by governments and policymakers as it can significantly enhance and enrich the policy making process. They contribute to the development of their country by producing data and information to help resolve economic, social and political challenges in their country. The series was first launched at the UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York City through an exhibit that took place from July 9-18, 2019.
The Role
ReWild was the sole production company responsible for the creation of this film series. All pre-production, filming, concept development, Design Thinking sessions, creative direction, film production and post production was executed by ReWild Africa.

The 16 videos + trailer that ReWild created for the Think Tank initiative are spreading a message on the importance of knowledge and deep research for the development of a sustainable future.
Through this project, they had to film in 9 different countries across East and West Africa and they were able to adapt and adjust to each of the different contexts and for any challenges that they came across.